
Cleaning and Testing

Brushing the pool surfaces is one of the most under rated factors in the pool maintenance, yet it is so important. It is critical that the surface be manually brushed regularly to prevent the formation of biofilm, which is the base for algae growth. Unless you make use of a Dolphin Robotic Poolcleaner with the ability to brush the surfaces active. Also test the pool water regularly to determine the ph level, total alkalinity, stabiliser, chlorine and other very important levels. It may surprise you, but the water you drink may not be fit for your pool. Balanced water prevent corrosion, etching, equiptment damage and scale build up. You also want maximum sanitiser efficiency and the correct levels and testing will make sure of that. Ph is a measure of how acidic or base the water is and is measured on a logarithmic scale that runs from 0 to 14. The lower the level the more acidic the water will be. The ideal ph range for pool water is 7,2 to 7,6. Total alkalinity is a measure of the waters ability to buffer ph changes. Ideal total alkaliniy is 80-120ppm for marblite and tiled pools. And 100-150ppm for fibreglass, vinyl and painted pools. Calcium hardness refers to the amount of minerals in the water and pool water should be 80-120 and 100-150. Depending on the surface. TDS is the total desolved solids and should not exceed 1200ppm. It is best to have your pool water tested by a professional at least once a month. Elene's Pools do a wide range of testing and will explain exactly how to manage and apply the chemicals needed. Always remember that prevention is better than cure....happy swimming.